HOW TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE IN 2020 - Rise and Shine


Hey everyone!

Today I just want to chat with you on how to live your best life in 2020.
  • The first, the most important thing you have to do to live your best life is to live for yourself and not for others. Live aligned to your truth, which means you live according to your heart, you follow your intuition, you live according to your values. It's so important to put ourselves first. I think we tend to put others needs before our own or we tend to take others opinions and take everything else into consideration when truly, deeply, you have a guiding intuition that tells you where you should go and you should follow that intuition. And it might tell you something opposite from what everyone around you is telling you. But trust me, it is the best thing you can do. Just follow your intuition. Live aligned to your truth .If you are not sure how to do that or what is your truth a good place to start is journaling. I love to do a stream of consciousness journaling which is just opening up a notebook and letting myself write whatever is on my mind. I think the more and more you write, even if it seems meaningless write whatever in the beginning, eventually you will find that you have a lot to say within you. And that voice within is you. It is the essence, your core, and you should listen to that voice. Listen to what you truly want for yourself. Only you know what is best for you. And I think life is just so much better if you can learn to live according to yourself. Live for yourself, not for others.

  • The second thing that will help you live your best life in 2020 is to make it an ongoing mission to have greater self-acceptance, self-love, and confidence. It starts with self-acceptance. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will have in your entire life. If you learn to embrace yourself for everything that you are eventually you will learn to love yourself for everything that you are. And that’s the road to self-confidence and feeling good about yourself. I think, most of the time, we are our own worst enemy. You are the most critical on yourself. Or when other people hurt you – say you have other people criticizing you or judging you, it only hurts you if you let it hurt you.  There are so many issues – for example: comparing yourself to others, feeling unworthy, feeling less than, feeling criticized or judged, or feeling threatened –all of those stem from a certain insecurity you have around yourself. If you learn to embrace yourself, your dark sides and your light sides –because everybody has both – you will learn to be more immune to the pain that you cause yourself by letting all of those self-judgments or external forces hurt you. What I am trying to say is: Self-love is your greatest weapon and its something that you need to keep honing and sharpening and training throughout your life. It's not always easy and its something that you have to consistently work on, but it does make you stronger. It makes you feel more invincible. It brings out your confidence. And when you truly love yourself, that’s when you can truly give love unconditionally to others without expecting anything in return or without feeling threatened, or all of those negative things that we have mentioned before.

  • The third thing I want to share is an exercise you can do to prioritize your life. So if you are anything like me, you have a lot of goals a lot of big dreams, a lot of things that you want to do but you don’t really know where to start or what to start on. So ask yourself: What is the thing that, if I do it now, will bring me the biggest impact in my life? What will bring me the biggest reward? So I would start that thing first, because you want to use your time wisely. If you know that this project If I were to do it, it would change my life in a completely amazing way, then do that thing. Don’t be afraid. Usually, it's the fear that holds us back. Asking that question and picking that project that will yield the biggest reward in your life, and then set that plan in motion, this year, that is one quick way to live your best life in 2020,because most of the time people shy away from those things that will bring them the most change in their life. You don’t want to live your second or third or fourth-best life. You want to live the best life, which means going for the biggest thing, that will yield the biggest impact on your life.

  • The fourth tip on how to live your best life in 2020 is to Stop overthinking, and just do it. Just take action. I know so many of us spend too much time overthinking, mulling over the little details that don’t really matter. The reality is: No matter what it is that you want to do and you are scared to do, you are never gonna feel ready. You are never gonna have all the tools and resources that you need. You are never gonna have all the information that you need, all the knowledge that you need. You just start, and you figure it out along the way. That’s how it is for everything and anything. Ask anyone who is successful, who has built something. They didn’t have all the answers in the beginning. They weren’t even good at what they were doing. They just started somewhere and along the way, they got good, built the skills, and then met people to help them, attained the knowledge and skills, all of that. So just start. That is the biggest, most simple, but most effective tip that I can give you. Another way to frame this is, ask yourself: Will I regret not starting this in five years or in ten years? Imagine yourself five years later, or ten years later. Are you going to regret not starting now? Because I think now is the right time to start, and if you wait any longer, you are just wasting time. The best time to start is now. You don’t want to regret anything in the future. No regrets, stop overthinking, just do it.

  • The fifth tip I want to share will help you when you start to slow down, get discouraged, and lost motivation, because reality check: it is going to happen .I know you are super excited about the New Year and everything, but sometime along this year, you are going to lose that excitement. So when you do, you have to know your motivation triggers, know how to bounce back ASAP. Motivation triggers are things that spark your motivation, spark your inspiration and make you want to take action again. We let ourselves get into these slumps, whether you are staying comfortable in your routine, whatever it is, even I do that too. But knowing the things that trigger your motivation is super helpful because you can make a little motivation starter pack for when you are feeling down. And you just boom-boom-boom, do all those things that motivate you and then you will be back in action, resilient, back better than ever. For example, My motivation triggers are reading inspiring books, listening to inspiring podcasts. That stuff always inspires me. Also, to take me out of my comfort zone, whether its to go someplace new, network and meet people, talk to people that I have never talked to before, things like that will inspire me, even music. Having an upbeat playlist can inspire you as well. So find out what your motivation triggers are, make a list, and then create your own motivation starter pack and write this list down so you always have it. And when you are feeling down, remember to look at it and try to do those things.

  • Last tip I want to leave you with today is to keep exploring , keep looking, keep growing, and don’t settle. Do not settle for just ok, don’t settle for just mediocre;.Really push yourself, push those boundaries, dream big, and reach for what you truly want, because you only have this one life. I know it's super cheesy, but it's true: You have this one life to do everything that you want to do not what other people want you to do. So go out and do that thing. And if you don’t know what that thing is, you are not sure about your path, that’s okay too.Your job is to look into your intuition and try out different thing and try out what you think it might be. Try out whatever you are curious about. And eventually, you are going to find that thing. You are going to discover it. You won’t find it just by sitting still and doing nothing. You are going to find it by going out there, exploring, and discovering it for yourself. Don’t feel discouraged, because sometimes you are going to feel stagnant, you might get stuck. I feel like that too sometimes. And the only thing you can tell yourself is: Keep going no matter what, because if you keep trying and looking for it and strive for it, I promise you, you will get there. It just takes the time, the patience, the effort, consistent persistence, all of that. But you have it in you and it's out there for you to get. Thus, I am encouraging you to go out and take the riskier route, rather than the safer route, because only when you take risks in your life, will you have big rewards,  will things that maybe you could never have imagined will happen to you. Only when you take a risk because if you take a safe route, the result is pretty predictable. You kind of know what to expect. Only when you do those things that are scary, that you are like I have no idea what to expect from this. I have no idea if anything will come out of this, that’s where the magic happens. That’s where dreams come true. And I promise you: You will be fine. You can do it.

I wish you all the best for an amazing start!


Gunjan.S. 💗


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