The law of Attraction: Powerful Sleep Technique to Manifest Your Desire

I remember a few years ago reading this book here the secret and I remember using it to manifest small stuff it clearly says that our thoughts are very powerful and how giving our energy to a particular thought changes into its physical form, as you all must be aware that getting rid of negative energy is very important as to manifest positive things in life, to know how to control manage your space in your environment, this thing here is crucial what you feed into your mind, the words, the affirmations right this all contributes towards your manifestation and this by the way while we're talking about sleep patterns is very powerful to get you into a deep sleep so when you are manifesting and thinking about the right things it starts manifesting in your life.

How you can use this sleep technique to start manifesting your desires and everything you want in life?
Lot of people I find belief in the law of attraction right they believe in manifestation, they believe in all this stuff but it's not exactly working out for them right now. There are certain things they think about and trying to manifest they put vision boards up there, they do visualization and if you're like me I tried all of these things and then I was thinking I don't think this is actually working. I mean it's making me feel a little bit better about myself I guess a little bit more positive but I'm not really manifesting let's say wealth or materials or love or any of this stuff I'm not really attracting the right things in fact there's a lot of parts to it but specifically in this article what we want to talk about is sleeping like before you go to bed why it's so crucial to get this right and when I got this right this is when everything in my life starts to fall in place right understand this first of all our life is governed 95% by our subconscious mind what does this mean it means that when we honestly think if you're consciously thinking right now I want to manifest a car, I want to manifest a job, I want to manifest all these things it's really not going to contribute too much because that's only 5% because you're consciously thinking about it, the power is held with your subconscious mind what if you could subconsciously think of these things and why it's so important what you do before sleep is very important because what you watch, what you listen to what you think about before bed it carries on through that whether it's six hours, seven hours or eight hours however many hours you sleep it carries on in your subconscious mind that's your subconscious flow, your subconscious manifestation and attraction are happening while you are sleeping that's why it's very important before bed to have the right practices to have the mind in a peaceful place to attract what you want to attract in life.
So let's get down to it what do we do before bed?
Well first of all the first thing is we need to make sure that our mind is calm. I want you to look at this for a second, everything around us every single day right our minds process 11 million pieces of information every second for those 11 million pieces of information every second right only 40 of them were actually conscious about so even right now a lot of things are happening and our brain is capturing more of this stuff, now think about that multiplied by the whole day and the whole week our mind is going like crazy and that's in the subconscious level we're manifesting all the things that we want, we don't want most likely we don't want right and so how do we actually do this there's some things that I do whether it's breathing right you can practice focus breathing by the way if you're into like any breathing techniques and so you want me to share this stuff with you just comment,so breathing is the core fundamental of calming that line so we calm of that mind okay and when you calm that mind it gets rid of all the noise right inside that's approaches - and then once we've calmed it what's most important to know what you are going to put into your mind at that point now definitely do not watch anything like a horror movie or any quick in fact you shouldn't be on, you shouldn't be watching TV or scrolling on Facebook or scrolling on social media or using your phone you shouldn't be doing this stuff because this is not good especially before you go to sleep right because you are consuming think about every scroll all of those millions of pieces of information is going into your subconscious mind just before bed so you're manifesting everybody else's problems as well, okay so cook that out at least like an hour before cut all of that stuff out you just want to be in a peaceful place now I know some of you will be thinking now I'm really busy working up but the thing is this do you want the shortcut or no okay if you want the shortcut if you want to get to your success you want to get to your destination faster make little sacrifices you may seem big right now but it's very little in comparison if you get your result very quickly so combat might get rid of all that stuff before bed don't watch movies before bed then what the next thing I recommend, you need to understand what you actually put into your mind at that point so very powerful thing to actually do is a visualization process but I wanted to actually run you through something that's actually more powerful than what most people talk about because a lot of people just talk about ok visual visualize think about it and people don't even know what to think about how should I think about is this there's a special thing that you have to put in place and that special thing is emotion always understand in every area whether it's in the physical world whether it's in the spiritual world emotion is energy in motion (E-Motion) the moment you apply emotion to a thought what happens is it speeds up the whole process and it takes the energy out there in motion and it starts manifesting. If you don't attach emotion to thought there will be no manifestation process and this is the thing that people never teach you about is that emotion is a very key jigsaw piece to actually make this whole puzzle work for you so what you do is this just close your eyes before bed and then you just want to think about your dreams as if it's happening already right now so you just keep thinking about it and you want to keep asking this question this is what's going to pull the emotion out of you why the question why so you keep asking why is it that I wanted this right now I want it because it'll make me feel good why because of I want to feel like I've accomplished something why because it's just amazing the feeling right and dig down into the feeling when you dig down into the feeling that's how feelings thoughts these things start kicking off the manifestation process now the great thing is this if you notice before bed what usually happens is this you're falling asleep then what happens is you kind of feels a little bit like dreamy drowsy like people can speak to you and you kind of forget some of the things because it's just logging in that subconscious mind that's when you're going from conscious to subconscious and so if you fall asleep on that basis while thinking about being able to touch be able to feel the car you want the house you want being able to put yourself in that situation and keep asking yourself why and how does this make me feel, keep asking yourself these two questions and the emotions will really blow up, then when you fall asleep on that conscious clicks into the subconscious and the subconscious manifests through that sleep cycle and it's the most powerful thing you could ever try now. I know some of you be thinking but this really works, what I am going to offer you to do this let's try it anyway what if it does work what if it really does work first guys all I can say it's worked out for me the question is are you going to take action.

Conclusion: In sleep when your conscious mind is less active and your subconscious mind takes over it is when the whole process of manifestation starts. Keep dreaming and manifesting.

Thanks for reading!
Gunjan.S 💗

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