BRING YOUR MAGIC BACK IN 2020 - Rise and Shine



Hey Friends!
As we have entered into a new decade lets bring its magic on us and allow it to slowly and steadily empower us to become a better version of ourselves. Its been 8 days now and we have entered into 2020, its very true that changing the calendar does not change everything. The sky, sun, moon and trees are in the same place and doing their work in the new year, despite all this, NEW YEAR is a time when people want to do better and there is hardly any other occasion when so many people, together, are wishing for something good in their lives.  Therefore, this is also a good time when we should consider how much we can also prepare ourselves to change our lives. How You can move a bit in the journey of moving from good to better and then to best. 
Here are a list of 6 easy steps that you can consider moving for the better in life.

1. START WITH SMALL STEPS: Becky Symes, an expert in Mindfulness Meditation herself, says, 'The road to progress passes through our everyday habits of work.  The more we progress, the better we become. The unfinished work or the habit of deficiencies gives us problems. this is what the balance is all about.  What needs to be done to keep going a little bit stronger take small tasks in a day and try to finish them as beautiful as you can. Hey, we are able to learn when we value it. It is also sometimes when you move two steps forward by taking a step back at times. Then it is not always necessary to move forward sometimes it is a big thing to maintain what is.

2. RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Each day take at least 15 mins to do something that you love, something that you are passionate about. Spend some time alone and talk to yourself about how you are feeling right now? and how you really want it to be. If you want to raise your vibration you can meditate, or go for a walk, talk to children or watch a fun movie something that feels good.

3. FOCUS: Try to focus on your goals instead of focusing on its opposite. using your energy on your goals gives it a boost which in turn opens up many possibilities. Sit every day and focus with all your energy on what you want in your life? Ask yourself a question How does it feel to accomplish it?

4. WRITE YOUR OWN REALITY: You are the creator of your own reality, Write it down what you want from your life. How you want it to look like. Start scripting and while writing try how it feels like to be there.

5. AFFIRMATIONS: Take one affirmation for a week and start affirming it early in the morning and during the day whenever you get time also affirm in the night on your bed. The affirmation should be in the present tense and you can choose whatever you want it to be. For example. I am confident. I am abundant. I am beautiful. Things are always working out for me. I am healthy etc.

6. KEEP HOLDING LOVE: We progress only when one end is associated with hard work and dedication and the other with love.  Love yourself. Pay attention to the love you get from others.  Take time to do the things you love reading, playing, walking, anything.  The famous healer Louis L. Hay says the qualities or shortcomings that we see in others are also within us.  'That is, as much as others see the merits, their roots also become stronger within us.  In the end, all the time we are ahead of someone and then behind someone.  We are all different and special.  Don't worry about reaching somewhere or having something. It is necessary to be happy with who we are.  May you also be happy and the happiness that others get from you also increases, this is the real 20/20. 


  • Be enthusiastic about the work you want to do.
  • Try to find the company of experienced people.
  • Be ready to learn something new.
  • Take risks by planning. 
  • Believe in others, but be self-reliant.
  • Learn to cope with stress.
  • Learn to forgive others.
  • Compliment openly.
  • Be Happy.

I hope you enjoy reading it.Thanks 💗


  1. Reading this itself gave me some sort of positive vibes to start my day right. Will definitely gonna try this.


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