“Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and observe the route that your attention follows.”― Neville Goddard

Neville Lancelot Goddard (1905-1972) simply known as Neville was a prophet, profoundly influential teacher, and author. 
In his book, Feeling is The Secret, he shows his readers how they can quickly attain their goals simply by refining their imagination. Your thoughts shape your life, create your reality, and ultimately limit or expand your true potential. The book describes how our thoughts and feelings affect who we become and what we achieve. When we have the power to change them, we gain the power to change our circumstances, our health, and our life's purpose. There is a treasure in it, a clearly defined road to the realization of your dreams.
The central theme of Neville Goddard teachings is that you are the creative power of the universe and that your outer world is a direct reflection of the inner state of your mind because of this you can exercise your imagination to influence change in the world around you.
In order to be successful with his teachings, it's crucial to accept the fact that you are the operating power of your reality, you create your life and your experiences. Life happens through you by the means of your thoughts beliefs and imaginative acts, this one fact gives you the power to transform any circumstance you deem is undesirable.
Using your imagination to think from your desire as already being fulfilled rather than thinking of it you bring into force the power of creation that you hold within you by adopting the consciousness of a person that possesses the thing they want in your present experiences,
In reality, your present is a direct result of your past thinking and imagining however you can revise how your past affects your present and now if you understand this you can make it beautiful for you therefore you have the power to revise your imagination to manifest changes in your present or future using "The technique of revision", it not only breaks patterns of experiences that is unwanted it also breaks patterns in the mind that constantly create those same experiences and with practice the mind will adjust itself to only imagine the scenarios that you want to manifest in your life, you can even revise the experiences of other people by visualizing their desires as fulfilled.
In the words of Neville Goddard the present are not what we want but it is what the past has produced through revision, we heal the past.
Try this simple yet powerful and very effective technique as you are going to sleep each night think back through your day -anything that didn't match experiences that you would like to choose for yourself, close your eyes and focus on your breathing for a few moments - quiet and relax your mind, once you've done this go over the events of the day that you found displeasing and revise them to match the way you would have liked for them to have gone, use as many details as possible when doing this for example if you walked into work and your boss started treating you poorly replay the scene in your mind as a scenario wherein your boss is being very friendly towards you and telling you what a great job you've been doing makes the scene exactly how you wish it would have happened. To do this over and over until it begins to feel real to you with this process you are editing the memories in your mind and essentially rewriting new ones, keep doing this until the first impression you get when you think of this past event is the new one that you have revised. This is when you'll know that your mind has accepted it as a new reality.
If you would like to make revisions for others use the following technique as given in Neville words my telephone technique never fails I can give you dozens of stories of the results I have received through this use. Here is another friend and her 50s desire to change her job for financial reasons. She wanted to return to the electronic plant where she formerly worked but felt that because of her age she would not be accepted, ignoring all of the negative thoughts simply hurt her excited tone tell me she had the job one week later she called saying they not only they gave me the job with a large salary increase but I am receiving credit for the 10 years I worked there before which will be added to my retirement.
The point with this exercise is to change the conversation hear, it Neville said I simply heard her excited voice tell me she had the job notice that he didn't just imagine her having the job he heard her tell him about it with enthusiasm using this technique, to hear the excitement of another person's success is a great way to assist them in creating it. You can ignore what they are telling you as negativities and remember the power you truly are simply heard them saying something more positive instead of this is your invitation for them to adopt a much more positive state in reality.

“Imagination and faith are the secrets of creation.”
― Neville Goddard,

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