Why do human beings have pride or ego?

One of the most common flaws that human beings possess is pride. Every single person has some form of pride or ego, which can be very dangerous if not controlled immediately. No spiritual journey can exist without humility.
In today's world, pride is the greatest downfall of individuals, as everyone believes what they are doing is right. If people do not control this pride, their judgment will go wrong because they will be unable to experience true understanding. When you have learned to be humble, you can handle the success that comes your way. So when you achieve certain goals, do not let pride set in. Instead, recognize that you have been helped by a higher power to reach where you are.

In what ways is pride harmful?

Pride leads to:

1. Loss of judgment: When you are proud, you operate completely from the physical mind, and the physical mind has very little to do with making the right spiritual choices. It makes you believe that your point of view is the only point of view.
2. Spiritual Downfall: Pride prevents you from acknowledging God. It makes you believe that there cannot be a higher power. It convinces you that you are an intellectual being, and as such, you need rational reasons for believing in God.
3. Lower Vibrations: If you do something negative, the result is negative, your judgment becomes impaired even further.
4. Injustice: The ego makes you believe that you are always right, no matter what. Therefore, instead of being open-minded, your understanding of situations will be limited and will force your opinions on others.
5. Jealousy: The ego makes you an insecure, jealous being. Not only that, but it will also make you resent the gifts and accomplishments of others.
6. Discontent: One of the most important lesson a person must learn on Earth is to be content. The ego is an outcome of the physical mind. It makes you want more and more. Also, when you are humble enough to follow the advice of the subconscious mind, it gives you something in return - a feeling of peace. Contentment is a result of following the advice of the subconscious mind.
7. Enemies: Due to rash and irrational behavior, you create enemies. At that time, your ego will say, " I don't care," but later on, when it is too late, you will regret it.
8. Loss of relationships: Relationships are about coexistence, and pride goes against the concept of coexistence because it is about superiority.
9. Expectations: The ego creates expectations. It has a fixed agenda. it creates anxiety because they build unnecessary pressure.

What does it mean to be humble?

1.  To be aware that you are created by a higher power. A true seeker, a person who walks the spiritual path, is a humble person. To be humble is to never lose awareness of this truth. We are all created by God and we all belong to Him.
2. If pride is about the self, humility is about selflessness.
Humility is a natural form of existence. If you observe nature, you will understand that God has created beauty, and what gives his creations beauty is not only the appearance but the fact that nature is a humble provider. It is completely selfless. It is this selfless quality that is the essence of all spirituality. Moreover, nature coexists: streams become rivers, rivers become seas, and seas form oceans. There is balance, unity, harmony and above all, humility in nature. This is how God wants human beings to live. The true art of spirituality is selfless service - a quality nature has in abundance.
3. Do not act humble. Be humble. Just as pride is in thoughts, so is humility. The ego is a master at disguising its impure intentions as righteous and good and fooling you into thinking that what you are doing is right. This is because the ego is selfish and has to satisfy its agenda at any cost.
4. If you are on the spiritual path, don't feel proud and righteous. When you have all the required knowledge to live your life on Earth, and you still choose to do wrong, your spiritual downfall is faster and more severe.  There are many people on earth who think they are doing God's work. They think that by spreading knowledge and telling people how they should live their lives, they are contributing to light. But so many so-called spiritual leaders are proud of the fact that they have knowledge. This is spiritual pride, the worst kind of pride. A true guru is always a student as well. That is the first sign that can denote whether a guru is humble or not.
5. Always remember that you are a student of God. All the knowledge you possess, the skills that you have, and the goodness that exists within you are not yours. It flows through you. Your mind, body, and spirit are fortunate to be a channel for that flow of goodness. That flow keeps you on the right track. but when you start taking ownership of that flow and begin believing that it is you who is responsible for its existence, you are slowly but surely reducing that flow. according to spiritual law, the flow will be drawn to humility. 

To be worth, you need spiritual wealth and strength. To do God's work means using your position of strength to help others grow. To heal, to strengthen, and to eventually help someone else's spirit to soar should be the ultimate goal of every human being.


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