Many of us who are striving to live with awareness often feel frustrated because, although we understand and know what the right response could be, we still fall into habitual patterns, get tripped up by the Ego, or begin to leak energy to forbidden areas. Well, don't leak more energy feeling guilty about such a situation. the truth is, at that particular moment, you don't have the necessary energy resources to do any better. Obviously, what I'm speaking about here isn't physical energy, strength, or stamina. I'm referring to a level of growth - a more accurate expression would be a "level of consciousness".

Intellectually understanding something is one part of the story. Actually beginning to live it is the other. I am sure there are many methods of achieving this objective, but in my understanding, this "alchemy" - for its nothing short of that - is possible only when this understanding is combined with a profound spiritual practice. Whether its meditation, chanting, prayer, yoga, or any other technique, reverent and consistent practice is the only way. It's the internal cleansing. Such cleansing will help you operate at a consistently "higher" level, ensuring that you enjoy every moment of life's journey.

Whichever practice you choose forms the"base" for your growth. Its value can't be underestimated. In addition, you can start on your journey right now by doing some of the following:

  1. Maintain a Gratitude Journal: Every night, write ten things that you're grateful for in a journal kept especially for this purpose. Every week increases the number of things by five or as many as you feel comfortable with. Here's what the process does: It gets you to focus on what's good in your life, not on what isn't. And it's a proven energy rule: What you focus on expands. This is the easiest way of attracting more of what makes you happy. The Gratitude Journal moves you from an Ego space to a Higher Self space, from the zoom to the panoramic lens.
  2. Meditate: Meditation provides the break that your mind needs and deserves. This is a basic requirement - not a luxury or choice - necessary to cope with today's highly stressed lifestyles. When you meditate, the brain-wave activity actually slows down, and depending on the depth of your meditation, you can access more profound levels of creativity, healing, relaxation, and de-stressing. This is the time when the small mind actually plugs into the Big Mind, gets recharged, and accesses an area of infinite potentiality. There could be nothing simpler than sitting and letting go and just being to produce such amazing results.
  3. Breathe: Make a small placard that displays this one word. Put it on your office desk or at home where you can see it frequently. Every time you do, just take two deep breaths with awareness and continue with your regular activities. This is an incredible awareness exercise. It helps you create the space you need to make conscious choices.
  4. Cut Cords: This is a magical practice. when we interact with people, we're automatically connected to them by a cord at the solar plexus (the area just below the rib cage). We "exchange" energies through this cord - which is strong in the case of people we're close to. To keep your energy system clear, you must disconnect and terminate this exchange each day with every person you interact with. It's an excellent practice if you have had an unpleasant conversation with someone. You can even try it in the middle of an argument and will see dramatic results. You must do it at least once, at the end of the day - and more often if you feel you particularly need it with some people. This is what you do: Visualize the cord. Imagine cutting it. Mentally say: I cut and release all connections with you at the solar plexus level. Reconnect the cord at the heart level. Only love remains between us. This wonderful little technique brings harmony into relationships, raises them to a totally different level, keeps your energy system clear, and prevents energy drains. 
  5. Steal Joy: This is an amazing practice that you can use to"trick" yourself into changing your mood or state when you're feeling miserable, let down, or anxious. First of all, accept that this is so and allow it to be. Don't fight it. But offer yourself a break from your misery, for just a day. Have a conversation with yourself that goes something like this: " I know you're miserable, and I can understand that, but why don't you just take a day's break from worrying, hurting, being in fear, and so on? Just drop the issue for a day, steal some joy, even though it's not warranted at the moment, and you can go right back to being miserable tomorrow!" If the miserable part of yourself (and it is only a part of you!) that's great news. Then go ahead and just be joyful, "normal" and happy for the day. And make yourself the same offer the next! However, there's a good chance that it will feel "irresponsible" to take so much time off, so then negotiate for a half-day, a few hours, and hour, or even 15 minutes! Sounds funny? It's not. It's an excellent way of demonstrating to yourself that you're in charge of choosing your state...of realizing that you needn't remain a victim of circumstances. As you begin to understand and practice this, it becomes a way of living, and you no longer allow yourself to wallow in sates that are draining and unhealthy for you.

Inject these little exercises in awareness into your daily life will make you feel in charge, starting immediately. They're indeed profound ways to shift your state almost instantly and take responsibility for yourself.

Bye for now. Lots of love 💗

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