Happiness from Within - Rise and Shine

Happiness from Within

How does one can find happiness from within?

The definition of happiness varies from one person to another, for one it can be a salary hike and for another it can be a delicious meal but all these are material or external sources of happiness and somewhat depends on our expectations and are conditioning of the mind. There is another kind of happiness that comes from within which is purely ours. If we look around us we can see that most people are a part of a cat race and there very few which are aware of what is happening inside them. Majority of people compares happiness with their material possession and seldom think about the small things happening within and around them. 

We must keep in mind that basic nature of all living being is Bliss. Plants, animals and birds are happily playing their role in this vast universe.

I agree that material things gives us pleasure but not pure happiness, I also do agree that it is for a shorter period of time and is in fact reflection of our inner joy. Bliss cannot be purchased. . If we want lasting happiness we need to think on a deeper level. The energy which makes us think, eat, walk, listen, perceive is exactly same in all beings  and is neutral.What makes every being different is their own will and how their mind perceives things around them, Whatever turmoil their mind may be in there is always a place deep inside us which is a place of perfect peace and joy. Whenever a desire is satisfied the fear and agitation of our mind subsides and we are able to taste the inner joy of our true self. Thus we can say that "Happiness is a state of being" and to enjoy it constantly we must try to cease activities of our mind returning slowly to the true nature of our being.

"The True happiness is not on the surface, its our understanding of things and the ability to identify and perceive them".

These are few things by which one can find happiness from within :

1. Self Inquiry :

It is a practice of knowing ones self on the deeper level, our source. If a person keep on contemplating about his true nature and the peaceful place within them they would certainly come to a point of real discovery. It's more than just repeating words and more about shifting your whole attention inward.

2. Surrender : 

Letting yourself go with the flow and accepting things & circumstances as they are is also another way of finding inner happiness. We often use our energy fighting odds which in turn creates more negative energy and then comes a time when we are trap in a situation which feels like out of control this can further be explained by taking an example of a river, if a person tries to swim in its opposite direction he will end up wasting his energy and on the other hand if a person let him go with its flow the river will take him to the destination. Nothing in this universe is going against you even if it seem in the moment but if we look at it from a higher perspective it is all for our good. " We either win or learn from an experience"

3. Changing the Focus :

Albert Einstein said "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change". If we try to change the way we look at things around us we can change our reality. Try to be more attentive towards the living things around us be it a glass of water, food on your table or a frog in your garden. Try to look them with love, care and affection and be grateful to them for being a beautiful part of the big chain of life. Being more sensitive to the things around us we become more ware of the thread that joins all of us.

"Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside". ~ Ramana Maharshi.

4. Mindfulness : 

Practising Mindfulness can bring inner happiness, its focusing the whole attention on the present movement. Buddha uses this word Right mindfulness many times, when the mind and thoughts disappear you become mindful, it means that you are available to here and not to be the past or future. Studies have shown that practising mindfulness increases your mental and physical well being and thus brings more happiness.

5. Meditate : 

It is a journey from the sate of unconsciousness to the sate of total consciousness. It is an opportunity to experience and taste ones true self. It's like closing the attention from your five senses and opening up to a true state of your being. One can start it by diverting the attention of his mind on his breath and be a witness to what is happening around or within. Don't try to indulge just be a witness. There are many techniques of meditation and I recommend to learn it from a Guru as its is more about practical learning.  

6. Nature : 

Spending time with nature brings positivity and richness in our lives, involving with nature makes us more sensitive and we begin to blossom, it also opens up our basic qualities such as love, compassion making us more receptive of good things.

Lastly I left you with few quotes :

"Happiness is an inside job". ~ William Arthur
"If you want to be happy, be". ~ Leo Tolstoy"

I hope that this article inspires you to start investing in yourself. 

Sending Love,



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