Sometimes you get so busy that you forget to take care of yourself Or maybe you don’t forget, but you just can’t quite find the time to do so. If you want to treat yourself better, remember that self-care is a practice, by that I mean it’s not something you get right just once. You have to keep at it and make it a routine part of your life so that self-care becomes a lifestyle. If you have been feeling tired and overworked lately here are some self-care tips to help you feel refreshed and awesome.


Here we go:

1.HYDRATED: The first thing to do when you are feeling dull or tired is to hydrate. Drink lots of water to feel refreshed and give your body what it needs. You will have more energy, better skin and health, if you just drink more water. It’s the most basic, the most important tip of them all, especially in the summertime when it’s hot and you are out more. You are probably getting dehydrated quicker. So always remember to have water by your side and drink it throughout the day.

2. MOVEMENT: When I am not feeling my best, whether I am feeling down or stressed out I know that moving and stretching my body will help me center myself and get back into the rhythm of things. Doing yoga or even light stretching at home will encourage better circulation in your body and revitalize your energy. You get both physical and mental benefits from this too, like releasing tension, sleeping better, and feeling inner peace. It might be difficult or uncomfortable getting started, but trust me, you will feel good afterward. I am not always consistent with my yoga practice but I notice that when I am consistent, my mental health is amazing.

3. NICE SHOWER:  A simple, but always effective, way to refresh and feel better is to give yourself a nice shower or bath.I don’t wash my hair every day. I usually wait three or more days between washes, so it does get pretty oily and dry shampoo and all that stuff does build-up so when I do wash my hair, it feels amazing. I don't know about you, but having great hair gives me such a boost in confidence. 

4. DRESS CONFIDENTLY:  Another way to feel amazing is to dress confidently. I am guilty of being lazy with how I dress sometimes but I realize that what you wear and how you present yourself really affects how you feel. So try wearing something you feel confident and beautiful in. It’s not vain, it’s self-care, okay? Wear what makes you feel good, because you deserve to feel good. Every day is a special occasion so you can show up for your day looking and feeling your best. So dress confidently, with makeup or without makeup it really doesn’t matter as long as it’s what you feel best in.

5. SPENDING TIME WITH NATURE: You can also take time to unplug and connect with nature or the outside world. There is something peaceful and nurturing about spending time outside. You get to break out of your usual comfort zone and you can see the world from a new perspective. Perhaps you will realize how small and insignificant your worries are or how there is a world outside of your own. I truly believe nature has the power to heal. With the afternoon sunlight, the sounds of the trees rustling in the wind, there is this indescribable feeling of calm and connectedness I get when stepping into nature. Even spending ten minutes at the park will leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed.

6. EATING HEALTHY:  Remember that what you put into your body also contributes to how you feel so nourish your body by eating whole, plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables because those foods will make you feel light and energized. It’s better for your health, and you will glow from the inside out. On the other hand, eating processed foods like junk food will make you feel heavy and slow. You might want to emotionally eat when you are not feeling great but remember that immediate satisfaction is just short-term and you will only feel worse afterward.

7. MUSIC : Another quick way to feel better is to listen to good music. Music has the power to shape how you feel and you can actually design your mood by putting on the right music, so choose your favorite uplifting song or a relaxing song to put you at ease. Whatever feeling you want, find a song or make a playlist to match.

8. JOURNALING: You can also journal or meditate to clear your mind and give yourself an internal refresh. Release your thoughts and worries onto paper and find mindfulness in the moment. I have been journaling at night more oftenI realized that I don’t have to stress over things that I stress over now. I have basically created these boundaries for myself, when in reality they are all self-imposed illusions that in the bigger picture they don’t really matter at all, journaling has been so therapeutic for me.

9. RESET YOUR SPACE: Another major way to feel refreshed is to reset your space. Take time to tidy, organize, declutter, light a candle. Do what you need to do to make your home feel peaceful and comfortable. How your space looks affect how you feel. So having a cluttered space will make you feel busy or anxious and having a clear space will make you feel like you have a clear, peaceful mind.

10. TAKE TIME TO RELAX: Lastly, carve out time daily or at least weekly to relax in your own way. Everybody is different, so the way that you like to relax is different from the way that I like to relax. Just ask yourself, What is my favorite way to unwind and pamper myself. For me, it’s a relaxing massage while listening to some music. For you, it might be watching your favorite show, calling a friend, playing with your pet .It could really be anything. Just take the time to enjoy your life as it is right now. Stop worrying or stressing about anything outside of this present moment in front of you .If you can really relax and sink into the present moment, then you will realize that all the worries, anything else, will just wash away.

So those are my 10 tips for feeling refreshed and awesome. Let me know what is your favorite way in the comments below.

I hope you have an amazing day with these tips or with your own self-care tips. Just remember that self-care is a practice. It is something that we have to keep working on.

Thanks for reading!



  1. These tips are really Amazing it helped me and I feel really fresh and Awesome 👍☺


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