Today I want to talk about the Law of Attraction and how you can use this tool to manifest your dreams, your desires, and get anything you want. For those of you who haven't heard, The Law of Attraction is basically this idea that our universe operates under this law; that like attracts like, meaning whatever energy or thoughts you put out, you are going to attract that in return. You can think about this on the surface level like if you send out good vibes then you are going to receive good vibes. If you are kind to others then others will be kind to you. Or on the flip side: if you lie to others, if you hurt others, then others will do that same thing back to you. Basically, whatever you put out, you are going to attract that same thing in return. It's pretty crazy just thinking about it because that means you have so much power, so much control over how you shape your reality. The general idea here isAll change begins with your beliefs and your thoughts. That is the origin, the starting point for sending out the message to the universe of what you want. And through Law of attraction, you can actually attract all the things that you want into your reality.

Now at this point, if this is the first time you are hearing about the Law of Attraction, you might be pretty skeptical because you are like, What the heck? How does that work? If you just think something, it becomes reality. Life is not that easy. Your dreams don't come that easy and you are right. It's true. It's not that easy. It doesn't work just like that. Its not just wishful thinking. Law of attraction doesn't mean you just think,; Oh, I want to be rich. I want to have a big house and a nice car and boom, you get all of that stuff. That's not how it works. There are all these steps that happen in between. But what the point I am trying to make is everything, all of reality, begins here. It begins with your beliefs. It begins with your thoughts. There is not a dream that you have achieved that hasn't happened here first, meaning you have to think about what you want before you actually get it. You have to imagine it, envision it, and know what you want. And then, obviously, you have to take action and do those little steps to get you there.

If you are more of a pragmatic or practical person, this is how I would explain how the Law of Attraction actually works. Everything begins with your beliefs. Your beliefs shape your thoughts. Your thoughts shape your words. Your works shape your actions. And your actions shape your reality. Everything begins with a belief. When you have a belief or a thought about something, that is like boom: you send out a message into the world, into the universe, and the universe will start to attract those things back to you. But as you focus on those beliefs and those thoughts, you start to see those transform into words, whether you are writing down your goals or you are writing to yourself in your journal just the words that you use to talk to your friends and your family to describe yourself, how you are feeling. Your words are really powerful. Your words will become your actions because you have to decide what to do before you do it. Once you start taking action–obviously, we all know that action makes things happen: eventually, your reality matches what you originally believed or thought of in your mind. So that is the quick way to explain how you can transform your dreams into a reality.Obviously, there is a practical part where you are actually putting in the work, but the Law of attraction also says that, while you are taking action towards your goals, while you are focusing on your dreams and whatever you want to manifest, the universe will conspire to help you achieve it. That is the magical, spiritual part that you don't have to believe in. But I believe in it because why not believe that the universe has your back? You know, the universe will support you all that you want to do. All you have to do is put out that thought and really focus on that thought and do the little actions that it takes to take yourself towards that goal, Whatever it is.

Moving on: Here are my tips on how to use the Law of attraction to manifest your dreams and get what you want.
The first tip is: Be aware of your beliefs. Like I said, everything begins with your beliefs. So ask yourself, maybe use this as a journaling prompt: What do you believe to be true about yourself and your life? Write down certain things that you believe about yourself, and then go down your list and ask yourself: Are these things that you actually want to attract more of, or are these negative beliefs? Are these limiting beliefs? Because sometimes we believe things that don't really help us in our lives and we believe in things that hold us back. It is really important to uncover what those beliefs are, and start from there. Examples of limiting beliefs might be It is so hard to make money; It is so hard to finish school; It is so hard to date. If you have these beliefs in your system, in your mindset, then you are going to attract the same reality to you. Instead, you have to pinpoint that belief and then switch it. Replace it with a more positive one. It is so easy to make money, Money comes easily to me. I am good at studies, It is so easy to find a soulmate. Think of ways you can flip your negative beliefs into positive ones and start attracting more of what you want. A huge, huge thing that I have to note about the Law of attraction is that you have to focus on exactly the thing that you want more of, exactly the thing that you want to attract. Don’t use sentences that have a negative. For example: When you are running late, you can’t be thinking, I don’t want to be late. I don’t want to be late because that sentence, I don’t want to be late is the subject you are still focusing on the word late so the universe doesn’t read that I don’t want to be part. It just reads late. So if you keep thinking, I don’t want to be late. I don’t want to be late you are going to be late. Instead, you have to flip it into a positive and instead, keep repeating a phrase like I am an early bird. I am going to be early. I am always early. Focus on the subject. You notice the second example is I am always early, The subject of that phrase is early. That is the word that you focus on. This is how important it is to be detailed and very meticulous with your words because your words have power. Even if you are not trying to manifest something, If you even think of the word or say the word, you might be attracting that to you.

Another tool to help you attract more of what you want into your life is Gratitude. Gratitude is the key to bringing more abundance into your life because the more that you are grateful for what you have in your life already, the more things you are going to find to be grateful for. Gratitude is like putting out positive good vibes into the universe and attracting even more of that back to you. If you notice, if you are generous with other people, you are going to receive more abundance and generosity in return, so it is always, always good to utilize these tools to put out gratitude and good vibes to attract the same thing back to your life. 

Another tool to bring more of what you want into your life is utilizing Affirmations. An affirmation is a sentence that is like a power statement, something that you want to embody, something that you want to become in your life and your reality. The most powerful thing about affirmations is that it is written and read in the present tense. Whatever it is that you want in your life, you can write it into a statement, but make that statement a present tense statement like, I am beautiful, I have everything I need;.For example, I personally love to read affirmations at night before I go to bed. I just repeat them in my head. Last night, I was repeating I am powerful. I am guided. I am protected. The universe has my back. So something like that, I will repeat over and over and over in my head just so I can ingrain it into my beliefs so that that can trickle into my actions and my reality.
Another thing you can do that is really helpful is to start journaling your dreams and your desires as if you already have them. Journal that in the present tense, whatever your dreams and your goals are. Write your journal entry in the present tense like, Oh my god, I just reached this goal and then explain how do you feel about it, what is around you, what has happened in your life because of that. Just journal as if it's real. Journal as if it has happened because the more that you feel this goal is real, the more that you feel it into your reality, the more you are going to attract that reality to actually come sooner. This is really powerful because when you are journaling as if this thing is real, you bring your emotions into it and you explore the details. You kind of plan out all the details of that reality. And once you know the details, the more you are going to be able to attract that thing to you, the faster it's going to happen.Another tool you can use to manifest your dreams is a vision board. A vision board is just a way to envision the dream life that you want, the feelings and the visuals that you want because visuals are really powerful. The more that you can see it as a reality, the more you are going to attract that thing to you.The next step that is also really important to manifesting your dreams is to change your behavior to act as if your dream is already real. 
I already talked about journaling, writing that journaling prompt as if you have already achieved your dreams. Now I am talking about acting in your day-to-day life as if that dream is a realityAnother thing I do is I make decisions based on what my future ideal self would make. My future ideal self is a successful businesswoman, so she would be willing to spend money on resources or tools or things that would help her. She would be able to spend money hiring people to help her run her business. So change your behavior to match what your ideal self would do and act as if you have already achieved the goal that you want to achieve. Alright, so the last tip on how to manifest your dreams is, obviously, Take Action.  Action is such a huge part of this equation. And I truly believe that once you take action, the universe will take its action and it will conspire to help you achieve your goals. The universe works with you. Like I said, like attracts like. If you take action, the universe is going to take action too. So you want to work together. The universe is your collaborator. If you sit there and you just wait for things to happen, the universe is also going to sit there and wait for things to happen which means nothing is going to happen. So remember to always take action because we do live in a material, real-world where you have to do things to move forward and make things happen.
I hope you liked today's tips on how to use the Law of Attraction to manifest your dreams and get what you want. These tips are really just the tip of the iceberg because I feel like the Law of attraction is a huge topic that you can really, really dive deep into.
I do have a challenge for you today. I want you to think about one thing that you want to manifest in your life. Whatever that one thing is, I want you to write a comment as if that thing just happened. It can be one sentence .It could be a whole paragraph about your day and how great you feel that it happened, whatever. I just want to hear what it is that you are manifesting.

Thank you so much for reading.

Gunjan.S 💗

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