Hey everyone Today I am here to tell you an easy way to manifest money instantly!
Since this formula is working for me, I think it’s going to work for everybody so keep watch, it’s kind of miracle I want to go a little bit more into details in terms of the exact step-by-step process what you have to do to manifest money like this instantly right away, overnight in 24 hours, in a week, whatever you want. The exact formula in terms of manifestation, not just money but anything you want in life.
step 1 ask for what you want. So everybody, I want you right now to do this exercise with me in the comments below or write on a piece of paper because this will help you clarify and this will help you manifest. So, first, what I want you to put down in the comments is how much money you want. It doesn’t matter how much you want and I will say if you are a beginner to Law of Attraction, start small and see if this works for you. So, first thing put down the amount.
The second step is to ask yourself why you want this amount of money, so for me, for example, I wanted to manifest twenty thousand rupees to go for a holiday and  I was very clear on why I want to go on holiday. I want you to write down below number two so just go into details as much as you can why you want that money what you could use it, for me I would write something like I needed the money to help  with traveling and accommodation costs and also being financially feeling good.
The Third Step is to now imagine what you would do with this money of course for me I started imagining what it’s like to go to mountains for the holiday, my desire is to be next to the mountains and enjoying the view with a nice meal and also to really enjoy this free schedule of walking, reading and relaxing. so, number three I want you to put down below what is your way of wanting this amount of money get clarity the key is when you know what you want and you believe that you can have it then that thing is yours.
Step 4 is a part where you let go and believe, this is the part that trips people up the most because what happens is people may do all these steps and they can do it easily and effortlessly but this letting go part is always hard for people but I can tell you that this is the part you can now try right now to just let go of the results let go of not trust, it so you have to really really believe that this amount is possible to come to you tomorrow night or the day after or two days from now or next week or next month it will come to you at some point soon now the more easily you can let go of it the faster it will come so for me I was like yeah I can conceive you know and believe that it will happen and not stress about it.

As a matter of fact, you might even consider completely forgetting about it just consider it done it will come to you somehow and also to know that if it doesn’t come to you at all or if it doesn’t come to you immediately there will be other opportunities and other things in place that will help you through whatever situation you are going through, for that money you have to understand the point is to think it’s gonna work out somehow one way or the other I might receive the money or I may receive some help that will help fulfill this desire, don’t be like every day looking at the mail see the money has come in that’s not gonna work. Somebody wrote to me about that on Facebook don’t do that just let go know that, it’s done believe that it is possible and don’t stress. If it doesn’t happen right away. By law it has to happen if you believe, you just have to follow these four steps it’s really that simple so what I would like you to do is to start small try out and then go a little bit bigger and then when you have done this enough times you can manifest a big amount and for me again is about the belief system, if my belief system is such that I think it’s conceivable to receive a million dollars tomorrow I probably will but let’s see what else I can do in the future the sky is the limit so happy manifesting I would love to know about what you are manifesting so do write down the exercises I told you because the more clarity you have and the more you write it out and everything and imagine it and believe it and let it go those two steps relief then you are gonna manifest.
Let me know and also comeback when you do manifest something and share with us.

Thank you so much and I really appreciate all of you!

Gunjan.S 💗

1 comment:

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