I'm going to be going over how to get anything you want in life with three simple steps. 

1. The first is getting specific about what you actually want to have a goal.

2. The second is reverse engineering your plan to get there. 

3. The third is creating individual action steps to get there. 

Now I'll be going over each of these three points in great detail and also relating to personal stories of mine that are non-intuitive, that helped me reach the level of success in my life that I'm currently at.
So let's get it the first step to getting anything you want in life is actually just knowing what you want it's like hopping in a taxi you need to have a destination or else you can't go anywhere and most people haven't written out their goals, now what I encourage you to do is actually, get a notepad to take out a pen, don't do this on a computer seriously it's better for retaining information. If you actually physically use a pen and a notepad and write down your goals, write them down specifically try using all sentences, you want to use every single sense and incorporate it into what your goal looks like, feels like, smells like, taste likes, sounds like. It's not just numbered, get into your feelings, now what's even worse than not knowing what you want in life is being extremely vague about your actual goals, people say they want to get in shape or make a lot of money and if you set goals like that then you really have nothing to work with the right, you'll never know if you're there now if you get specific about your goals you can set a place to get them, now if you get specific about your goals now you have something you have a barometer benchmark to figure out when you are there.
Every goal simply has a series of action steps which you need to take to get it and if you know what the goal is you can take the action steps to get there and if you know what the action steps to get there you can take them one by one to get there.
Now the next step is reverse engineering your plan to get there, many people over-complicate goals and they think there's some like magic formula to hitting them you know a lot of people think there's some magic formula but the truth is that it's just a simple combination of two important thing there are things you are doing which you need to stop doing to hit your goal and there are things that you are not doing which you need to start doing if you need to hit your goals just be logical about it and make a list of what these things are  for example let's say you want to be successful in business you may need to stop wasting money on the weekend partying going out drinking you may need to stop wasting time on social media chatting with random people on Facebook scrolling Instagram tick-tock just scrolling not helping yourself at all and you may need to start investing the money that you make into paid advertising or into skills or into courses measure your progress on these things and you'll start to get results but know that you have to stay in your these lanes consistently to make it work.

Now the third step is to break it all down into individual action steps, every goal has a certain number of steps that you need to get there. In the beginning, you want to map out what they all are if you're looking to lose weight it's going to be some combination of exercise and diet if you're looking to make money you'll need to make a certain income. what I do and what you can do is focus on the individual action steps that you're going to take  today to hit your goal if you can't take proper action for a day then you won't be able to make it for a week or a month etc. The day prior I actually write down  all the things that I'm going to do that day in my notebook literally, draw out a road map and measure your progress towards your goals, most people don't measure anything about what they're doing so they never know exactly where they are now, if you get stuck on a step don't give up find a mentor and ask for help I rely on mentors in insane amounts and they tell me exactly what I need to do any the goal can be achieved by simply taking the correct steps that's it go get it.

Bye for now.

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