Intending, Manifesting, Receiving - Rise and Shine

Intending, Manifesting, Receiving



Living with awareness has unexpected bonuses! Now that the mind is freer, it can begin to do something more adventurous and magical. The understanding dawns that we can set actions in motion with intent. Feverish activity is replaced by effortless faith in a Higher Force that each of us connected with. Thoughts are our messengers. So as we begin to monitor and choose them, now with awareness, exactly what we desire begins to manifest.

Now let's see how thoughts function.

They're I've entities, and energy follows the. So if you're worrying, for example about the poor health of a relative, about your new business venture, or about your financial security, you are actually sending energy to those thoughts. Worry implies that the thoughts aren't happy ones. So, all the time that you sit and think them, you're actually channeling energy to actually making that which you fear happen. The same applies to fears that you might focus on or feelings of inadequacy, victimization, and hopelessness. That is the immense power thoughts contain - each little dart that you send out into the Universe embodies an intention of what you want.

It may not be exactly what you want but the universe waiting there to grant it to you doesn't know that. Its totally nonjudgmental and generous ready to do your bidding: to give you exactly what you're focusing on, to expand it in your life. There's no dearth in its coffers, and what you ask for doesn't take away from anyone else's share. If you ask with fervor, with feeling, and with intensity, the universe gets the message and your respect is sanctioned. That's how easy it is. That's how powerful you are. That's how you have, in fact, until this moment created your reality.

As you decide to take full responsibility for yourself and live with awareness, you will begin to understand the real meaning of not needing to blame anyone for the space you find yourself in. With a sense of awe, you will realize that if you could summon that which you didn't want, then by changing a belief or a thought, you can replace it with something new and desire. And all you need to do is begin watching your thoughts. Be careful about the messages you're sending to the universe. And become vigilant about the ones you're receiving.

" All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark". Swami Vivekanand

Make a list of all the circumstances, relationships, and facets of your life that give you joy. Then make a list of those that don't. See if you can find a belief about those things lurking within. Start of change it, using positive affirmations, awareness, and introspection.

Now let's begin to make new intentions:

1. Name one thing that you would really like to manifest in your life. Be as specific as possible. Describe it in great detail - with dates, times, and amounts, as the case may be.

2. Close your eyes, sit in a comfortable position, and take a few deep breaths right up to your navel. Tell your body to relax and remain still. Instruct your mind to be calm.

3. Now visualize the circumstances occurring. Inject colors, sounds a d flavor into your picture. Feel all the emotions connected with a happy moment as strongly as possible. Declare loudly three times that it has already manifested.

4. Feel gratitude for having received the gift of your wish manifesting. This step is extremely important. Gratitude raises your vibrations making you open to receiving.

5. Now leave it to the Universe, the Higher Force that you trust, to take care of your desire. This is as important as all the earlier steps.

6. When you feel ready, take another few deep breaths and open your eyes.

Repeat the visualization exercise with total faith as often as you wish but at least once daily. 

This is a four-step process:

1. You ask with faith.

2. You don't pollute it with doubt or mistrust. You let the "seed" take root in well-nourished soil. Doubt sends mixed messages to the universe.

3. Rather than wasting energy figuring out how it's going to happen, you concentrate on getting yourself ready to receive.

4. Once your intent manifests, you acknowledge it and remember to express gratitude.

All the steps are supported by energy laws. This lovely little process is profound and effective. The gift that you will receive when you come to this point of flow is one that will thrill you. It's that of insight and intuition, which will now begin to guide and uplift you.


Bye for now. Keep manifesting ️💗



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