How does the Law of Attraction apply to those sick & How you can help them? - Rise and Shine

How does the Law of Attraction apply to those sick & How you can help them?

It is not easy to find your own balance when you are watching someone you care about experiencing the physical and mental discomfort of an illness. Family members often have such a strong opinion of what they desire regarding the illness of their loved one that they hinder more than they help.

It is very important to maintain your own balance, when you do, you help every time because when you find your own true alignment, your power of influence is very strong.

What causes Sickness?

Sickness is always due to a vibrational imbalance. In other words, the individual is going in the opposite direction of its source. As they ponder the problems of the world in which they live, most people think of thoughts that cause internal resistance because often they are unaware of the vibrations within them. Scientists and Doctors are continually seeking cures for the illnesses of their times, so they offer a never-ending stream of changing options in medicines, treatment, and diet. But they will continue to lose more ground each year as more and more diseases are discovered than cured until they come to the understanding that Rather than seeking a medical cure for a disease, you must understand the vibrational cause of it, for there is not enough action in the world to compensate for misaligned Energy.

It is not uncommon for humans to wait until they have run out of action alternatives before they make an effort at aligning their own Energy. Since whenever you know what you do not want, you always know more clearly what you do want. The sick people know they want a healthy body and the desire for wellness, their inner being calls them even more powerfully towards the expansion of wellness.

How can we help them?

It is your own work to maintain your own vibrational balance, even in the midst of the unsettling situation as you are able to do that, your power of influence will be very strong. Under these circumstances, you may easily find unsettling thoughts but you must guide your mind to better feeling thoughts. Try to find better feeling thoughts, try to improve the way you feel. Do not try to sort out the issues of life and death. Do not try to reform the doctors or make medicine better. Do the only thing that you can do to improve the way you feel by choosing your thoughts such as:

It does feel good to member that we are Eternal Beings.

I want to help my family member get well.

I like remembering that our relationships are Eternal.

It’s comforting for me to focus upon his finding relief.

The idea of feeling relief from these debilitating emotions does sound nice.

Changing the way, you feel does change the outer circumstances for the higher good. Words do not teach but life experience does, and you find true relief that is only possible by your deliberate directing of your own thoughts and as you do so, you ill radiate a different vibration that can influence the vibration of your family member.

"The answer to your feeling good is only in the alignment of the Energy within you"

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